
Central London SUNday - 2014 June 22

In late June last year I arranged an informal, fun-filled day for a group of fellow London amateur astronomers to observe the Sun with white light filters and hydrogen alpha solar telescopes in a London park and have a picnic. The day of the week I chose was, of course, a SUNday! It was a great success so I decided to repeat a similar solar observing day this Summer on Sunday June 22 as this date coincided with the first International SUNday.

Living in Central London I wanted the event to be held nearby so I named it the Central London SUN-day and decided again to hold it in Regent's Park, one of my favourite London green open space.

I invited my fellow Baker Street Irregular Astronomers to the day, as well as others through my FaceBook group 

I had mentioned my planned event to Tori Weaver, a BBCTV Sky At Night researcher, I met at the Brecon Beacon AstroCamp and later I was delighted to hear she had organised a TV crew and Pete Lawrence to attend my SUNday to film part of their July programme devoted to daytime astronomy and the brightest star. The four minute clip from the Sky At Night July programme is on their website.

The weather in London just prior to the SUNday was fine and warm and I had managed several enjoyable morning solar observing sessions with my Lunt LS60THa so I was delighted the Sun shone early on the SUnday morning. 

Approximately fifty turned up for the day with about a score of solar scopes and adapted binoculars.
Photo  by Eric Emms

Photo  by Eric Emms

Photo  by Eric Emms

The curious public were shown the Sun through white light and hydrogen alpha filters, picnics were consumed, astronomy (solar and other) was discussed and explained, many photos were taken and fun with a little solar education was had by all.

I shall be holding the next Central London SUN-day, again in Regent's Park, on 2015 June 21. I hope to see you there!

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