
Comet C/2011 L4 PanSTARRS

The last comet I saw was Hale-Bopp back in April 1997, in Basel, Switzerland. I was on a business trip and remember seeing it with my naked eyes as I walked out of a restaurant. Astronomy did not figure much as a hobby back then - no binoculars accompanied me.

2013 - now the possibility of at least two comets this year and I have the bins (old East German Zeiss 10x50) and 'scope with which to bag them - comets and weather permitting.

On Wed 13th March we Baker Street Irregulars convened for our regular monthly meeting in Regent's Park. The weather had been very changeable: bright sunny spells then drizzle then sunshine then hail then snow, all within an hour. Regardless the intrepid cohort of Irregulars were ready at the Hub at sunset for a chance to view PanSTARRS low in the west.

The Moon, showing a fine display of Earthshine and a lower bright thin crescent, was doing its best to poke through grey drifting clouds as the western skies darkened and at 18:45 we saw the comet.

Half-way between the Moon and the point on the horizon where the Sun had set, I spotted through the binoculars a rounded patch, much brighter than I had expected with a short, more diffused tail, looking like a pigeon's tail in shape! We spied the comet until it disappeared towards the horizon; some Irregulars having captured the scene on camera.
Photo by Philip Stobbart.
After the excitement was over we set up our 'scopes to view and show to new attendees Jupiter, Orion, open clusters and double stars in reasonably clear skies although the seeing was not good. Towards the end of the evening I observed Saturn at x80 just as it was rising close by the Euston Tower: my scope practically horizontal.

I have to say I observed more at the Hub and for longer than during the entirity of the IoW Star Party!

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